At IDEO O2, you will find a variety of delightful recreational amenities right at your door step. You can walk or jog along the lush foliage, relax and unwind in a shaded corner, work out at one of the fitness studios, cycle on the bike track certified by Peppermint Bike Park, indulge in a game of futsal with your pals, frolic and splash around in the pools with your family, work in the midst of nature, and simply enjoy the moment. Reap the benefit of our 10 rai* common recreational space. Get a lungful of fresh air and enjoy the moment.
Futuristic Design
Experience an architectural approach to design and interior decorating that is inspired by the future. Choose a bold lifestyle that is a step ahead of the times.
A remarkable design approach that emphasizes usability, yet with both exteriors and interiors reflecting an individuality and powerful style of modern living with the Dynamic Line approach.
Ideo Mobi Sukhumvit Eastgate, new condo, ready to be built on the main road, near 150 expressway lines, only 150 from BTS Bang Na, meeting all needs. With full facilities including Sky Lounge and Sky Garden. Open to river and city views. Starting at 2.89 million baht.